Minor project process

CRM minor enhancement process

Submit completed CRM enhancement request form to crmhelp@iu.edu

The CRM minor enhancement process provides a path to rapidly address enhancements that can be completed with minimal effort. Since it does not require incorporation into a CRM Major Project, it provides a path for delivering continuous improvements through requested minor enhancements outside of large-scale implementation projects.

Increasing demand has been continuous with substantial ongoing expansion targeted. There is a need to be more nimble in delivering platform modifications, so that areas of adoption can request minor functional changes and have them accommodated outside of the scoped project model. To accomplish this, a parallel process is required where areas of adoption can submit ad hoc and small-scale enhancement requests that may be delivered using agile approaches to provide sustainable system improvements and avoid functional stagnation. 

This process augments the current larger-scoped projects, but does not replace or detract from it. It is imperative that the process incorporates cross-pillar input to allow for global prioritization that maximizes the enterprise value added by each effort.

Prioritization Prerequisites

Each CRM pillar of adoption will need to designate a representative who will serve as point of contact for that CRM pillar. Each representative will be responsible for:

  • Receiving quarterly enhancement prioritization list
  • Coordinating with others from representative pillar to review and prioritize enhancements
  • Coordinating any additional information or clarification needed to complete prioritization ranking
  • Completing enhancement prioritization rankings on behalf of their pillar
  • Submitting completed rankings document to IU CRM team by designated deadline

Capacity and rate of delivery

The equivalent time of three full-time employees of the UITS CRM team will be dedicated to completing deliverables in the CRM minor enhancement and CRM innovation processes. Resource time and effort will be assigned, but staff will not be dedicated exclusively to minor enhancements. The CRM team resources will have rotating assignments to each minor enhancement. Minor enhancement delivery will be based on quarterly roadmap and effort needed for each enhancement.